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观看此网络研讨会,了解 EDAG 及其合作伙伴 Baomarc 和 Cloos 如何利用西门子解决方案和数字化双胞胎,采用不同寻常但至关重要的方法来解决自身和客户在电动车辆制造方面的困难。

内容包括 EDAG 如何使用西门子解决方案进行:

  • 电动动力系统车辆的轻量化
  • 电池组制造与装配
  • 电动车辆平台规划和生产
EDAG Engineering 车身工程项目经理克里斯蒂安·特皮奇 (Christian Teppich)
Siemens Digital Industries Software 业务拓展铁木尔·乌坎 (Timur Ucan)

Reduce risks and optimize advancements in EV manufacturing with integrated software solutions

Beyond the obvious changes required to design an electric vehicle, manufacturers are trying to anticipate the necessary changes in manufacturing to support the efficient and cost-effective production of these complex vehicles. As manufacturers shift towards native EV platforms, we expect the assembly processes to shift towards a more modular build environment with an increased number of purchased components. This will inevitably drive changes within manufacturing and assembly methodologies, processes, and tools to evolve to support modular build scenarios that rapidly adapt to changing market conditions. In today's global market, the reuse of knowledge gained during production using integrated solutions will be imperative to support ramp-up in other productions facilities.

Leveraging the digital twin to attain highly efficient production and product advancements

The digital twin is a virtual model of a product or production assets as they evolve through their lifecycle and are used to predict behavior, optimize performance, and apply lessons learned from previous design and production experiences. Using the digital twin as a verification and validation (V&V) tool is essential for today's complex electric vehicles and EV production systems. The performance digital twin captures physical asset performance data from products and plants in operation. Data from smart connected products in the field and factory equipment would be aggregated, analyzed, and transformed into actionable information to create a completely closed-loop decision environment for continuous optimization.

Watch the on-demand webinar to discover how Siemens' holistic approach enables EV manufacturers to achieve the best result possible with continuous improvement.


Siemens Digital Industries Software

托德·本特松 (Todd Bengtsson)


托德·本特松加入 Siemens Digital Industries Software 之前,拥有 18 年的汽车行业工作经验。自 2000 年加入西门子以来,本特松一直专注于为制造企业开发和实施典范做法和解决方案。

从 2001 年到 2005 年,他担任 GM 制造全球解决方案架构师,并凭借 Tecnomatix 制造工艺规划器的全球部署而获得 CIO 大奖。在制造业 OEM 和供应商评估和实施 Siemens Digital Industries Software 的解决方案期间,他一直鼎力支持。
