Industrializing Additive Manufacturing through Innovations in Part Design

Webinar su richiesta | 30 minuti

Additive Manufacturing (AM) offers tremendous opportunities for innovations in manufacturing operations.

However, in order to realize the full potential of additive manufacturing, companies must employ a robust process that integrates design, engineering, manufacturing planning, and production functions.

In this webinar, we take a deeper dive into how Siemens is meeting this challenge on the design software side.

  • Learn how you can make the most of additive manufacturing by designing parts specifically for this manufacturing method
  • Find out how a tightly integrated system reduces the complexity of the additive manufacturing process
  • Understand how new technologies like lattice structures and topology optimization can be used to maximize the efficiency of products
  • Learn how design knowledge built-in to software can help you create designs that can be printed properly with first-time quality

Having an industrialized additive manufacturing process is the key to realizing the full potential of additive manufacturing. This webinar is the fourth in a series, showing how Siemens is at the forefront of this new technology and how the products we provide can help you and your company to realize the potential of additive manufacturing.