Linee guida sui marchi registrati

Linee guida per l'utilizzo dei marchi registrati Siemens Digital Industries Software
Meno Maggiori informazioni


These guidelines pertain to Siemens Industry Software Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Siemens Siemens Digital Industries Software”). Siemens Digital Industries Software’s trademarks, service marks, logos or images (hereinafter collectively the “Mark(s)”) are valuable assets. In following these guidelines, you help us protect our valuable intellectual property rights and strengthen our corporate and brand identities. By using a Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark, you are acknowledging that Siemens Digital Industries Software is the sole owner of the Mark and promising that you will not interfere with Siemens Digital Industries Software’s rights in the Mark, including challenging Siemens Digital Industries Software’s use, registration of, or application to register such Mark, alone or in combination with other words, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark. The goodwill derived from using any part of a Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to Siemens Digital Industries Software. No rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please talk to your Siemens Digital Industries Software Relationship Manager or send an e-mail to Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Law Department at

These guidelines are for partners, licensees, authorized resellers, developers, customers, and other parties wishing to use the Marks which belong to Siemens Digital Industries Software in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or on web sites, products, labels, or packaging. Use of Siemens Digital Industries Software's Marks for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Siemens Digital Industries Software may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal, state and/or local laws. Use of Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Marks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorized.

If you are a licensee of a Siemens Digital Industries SoftwareMark and have been provided with special trademark usage guidelines with your license agreement, please follow those guidelines. If your license agreement does not provide usage guidelines, then follow these guidelines.

View a list of relevant Siemens Marks, along with proper marking and attribution for each Mark.

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Authorized Use of Siemens Digital Industries Software's Trademarks

1. Advertising, Promotional, and Sales Materials: Only Siemens Digital Industries Software, and its authorized designees, e.g., subsidiaries, resellers, distributors, partners, affiliates and alliances, may use the Siemens Digital Industries Software Marks in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. Participants of the Siemens Digital Industries Software Partner Program may use the Siemens Digital Industries Software Marks only as specified in its Partner Program Agreement and the Siemens Digital Industries Software Partner Program Logo Usage Guidelines and such use must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define the relationship authorized by its contract with Siemens Digital Industries Software.

2. Prohibited Uses:

a. You may not use a variation of any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark for any purpose. Third parties cannot use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of a Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark for any purpose.

b. You may not combine any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark with your trademarks, product names or company name.

c. You may not use any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark or any other Siemens Digital Industries Software graphic symbol, logo, or icon in a disparaging manner.

d. You may not use any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark, including Siemens Digital Industries Software-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Siemens Digital Industries Softwares affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.

e. You may not use or imitate any Siemens Digital Industries Software slogan or tagline.

Additional prohibited uses are explained in the following sections.

3. Websites: Websites that serve only as noncommercial electronic informational forums concerning a Siemens Digital Industries Software product or technology may use the appropriate Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark, provided such use complies with the guidelines set forth herein. You are expressly prohibited from using any Siemens Digital Industries Software Mark in the title of your website or as a second-level domain name.

You may use a product name you are authorized to sell in a vanity URL, for example:


4. Product and Service Names; Compatibility: Do not use or register any Mark, or any potentially confusing variation thereof, as part of your company name, trade name, product name or service name. Do not place your company name, trademarks, service marks, or product names next to, or combine them with, a Mark, unless referencing compatibility and used in the following form: Your Product Name for use with Mark . For example:

✓ MyBrand for use with NX

✓ MyBrand works with Solid Edge

MyBrand for Teamcenter

5. Mobile Applications: Your registered publisher name and everything about your mobile applications (“app”)—name, logo, description, screenshots—must be unique and free of any Marks unless (1) you have obtained prior written authorization from Siemens Digital Industries Software; such authorizations are not generally available in this context; or (2) you are using Mark to describe a feature or functionality of your app without suggesting that the app is actually published by Siemens Digital Industries Software. The name of your app, however, cannot begin with the Mark. The Siemens logo cannot be used as a source identifier for your app, including but not limited to, your launch tile image. For example:

✗ You may not name your app “NX” or “Teamcenter,” etc.

✓ It would be acceptable to name your app “Reader for NX” as long as you do not use the Siemens logo or otherwise suggest that the app is published by Siemens Digital Industries Software.

✓ Additionally, language such as "works with," "designed for," and "optimized for" are all acceptable terms to explain that your product is designed to work in conjunction with a Siemens Digital Industries Software product or service.

6. Social Media: The social media guidelines associated with use of the Marks are quite similar to the app guidelines included above. Specifically, your social media account names and any and all pages or communities should not include any Marks. Any associated account, page, or community images may not include the Siemens logo. The only exceptions to these requirements are if (1) you have obtained prior written authorization from Siemens Digital Industries Software, such authorizations are not generally available in this context or (2) you are using a Mark to describe the purpose of your account, page, or community without suggesting affiliation with Siemens Digital Industries Software. Finally, any social media account should not use the name or likeness of any prominent individuals within Siemens Digital Industries Software. For example:

✗ You may not name your account, page, or community “Teamcenter Forum” or “Solid Edge Products, etc.”

✓ It would be acceptable to name your account, page, or community “Forum for Teamcenter Users” or “Information about Solid Edge Products,” etc., as long as you do not otherwise suggest any affiliation with Siemens Digital Industries Software.

7. Trade Dress and Advertising Elements: Do not imitate the Siemens logo, logotype, trade dress, or any other elements of Siemens Digital Industries Software product packaging or websites in any of your materials, including but not limited to advertising, product packaging, websites, and promotional materials.

8. Promotional Merchandise: Unless you have obtained prior written authorization from Siemens Digital Industries Software, do not manufacture, cause to be manufactured, sell, or give away promotional merchandise, such as t-shirts, pens or mugs, that bear any Mark or the Siemens logo.

9. No Endorsement or Sponsorship: You have prior written authorization from Siemens Digital Industries Software to do so, do not use any Mark in any manner that expresses or implies a Siemens Digital Industries Software affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval. Do not use any Mark in such a manner that it appears Siemens Digital Industries Software is legally associated with your company.

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General Rules for Proper Use of Siemens Digital Industries Software Trademarks

Whether owned by Siemens Digital Industries Software or by others, a mark should be set off from the surrounding text. If the material is being prepared for a printer, methods of distinguishing the mark could include boldface, large type or color to distinguish the mark. The generic noun for the product or service which follows the mark should be in lower case or another different type font.

1. Provide Notice of the Status of the Mark

Use the appropriate marking symbol in conjunction with Marks. The marking should be used at least once in each piece of printed matter, and preferably in the instance of first use of the Mark. If the Mark is a registered trademark, use the ® symbol which indicates the registered status of the Mark. If the Mark is unregistered, the ™ symbol or SM symbol should be used. Generally, the appropriate symbol appears at the right shoulder of the Mark. For example:

✓ NX™ software

✓ Solid Edge® software

2. Trademark or Service Mark Should be Followed by the Generic Noun of the Mark

Trademarks and service marks are adjectives and should, whenever possible, but at least in the instance of first use, be followed by the common descriptive (generic) noun of the product or service. For example, it would be improper to merely write NX rather than NX™ software. Use of the Mark in a denominative sense is inconsistent with creation of trademark rights. The product or service should be described by its generic noun, with a trademark serving to distinguish a particular company’s product or services from others.



Generic Noun


portfolio or software



Solid Edge®


3. Distinguish Between Organizational Entity Use and Trademark Use

Many words are used both as a trademark and as the designation of a corporate entity. For example, a word is probably being used in a trademark sense rather than as the name of a corporate entity when the sentence in which the word is used would still make sense when the word “brand” is inserted after the Mark. Do not use the marking notice when the word is being used as the designation of the corporate entity.

4. Never Use a Mark in the Plural, Possessive or Hyphenated Form

As a modifier of a generic noun, a Mark should never be used in the possessive, plural or hyphenated form. A Mark should never have prefixes, suffixes or additions and deletions made to it. For examples:

Correct: NX™ software is used to address today’s most critical …

Incorrect Today’s most critical…are addressed by NX’s™ software…

Correct: By leveraging the serialization of the as-built product structures in Teamcenter® software…

Incorrect: By leveraging Teamcenter’s serialization of as-built product structures…

5. Attribution

Include an attribution of Siemens Digital Industries Software’s ownership of its Mark within the credit notice section of your product, product documentation, or other communication.

View a list of relevant Siemens trademarks. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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